Freeland Church
Jeremiah 29:11-14 11. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the LORD.
Dear Lord God, we thank you that you are the Lord God Almighty and that we can have confidence that you are Sovereign over every area of our lives. As we consider our world and the many areas which do not know the peace of Jesus, we come to you humbly in prayer. Gracious Father we pray for the nation and people of Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, we pray that you will overrule in the events and tensions that exist there. We pray that you will raise up men, women and young people who can introduce a positive influence into that situation. We pray for the innocents who have been injured and those who have been traumatised. We pray for families who have lost loved ones. We pray that there will an early release for all the innocent hostages and that your Holy Spirit will speak to the hearts and minds of those who would seek to achieve their agenda by violence and terrorism. Father God, we have all been made in your image and we pray that that reality might be understood in this present conflict. We pray for world leaders that they might be endowed with that wisdom that can only come from you and that they will listen and act accordingly; we pray Father that they will be a moderating influence and that they will seek to encourage moderation and mercy on all sides of the divide.
Father God, we ask all these things in Jesus precious name. Amen Prayer by Jack McHugh
Psalm 4:1 Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God! Give me relief from my distress. Be merciful to me and hear my prayer!
A Prayer for Ukraine
Loving God, we pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that in this moment of crisis we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need. May we walk in you ways so that peace and justice become a reality for the people of Ukraine and for all the world. Amen Prayer by Jack McHugh
(see more prayers under worship section) If you would like a prayer said for you or would like private prayer time with one of our prayer team please leave your details on our contact page.
Kenneth's Blog
Freeland and St Machar's Ranfurly Church Kirk Sessions have agreed a basis of union and that will be
put to the congregations on the 23rd February. I have been reflecting on the history of our little congregation!
In 1738 we took the decision to break away from the Church of Scotland because our forebears insisted that the congregation should be allowed to choose their own minister and not the local landowner. In 1742 we moved to Burntshields where we built the first church building- and no doubt appointed the first fabric convener! By the 1820's the church building was too small and it was decided to divide into three. One group formed what is now the Calder UF Church in Lochwinnoch, another what is now St. Paul's Church in Johnstone whilst the others came to Bridge of Weir and in 1826 began using the current church. It was the only church in the village at that point.
It was a Secession Church which continued to hold to the right of the congregation to choose it's own minister. In 1839 almost all of those churches ( including ours) decided to rejoin the Church of Scotland. This was because the Church of Scotland was now moving to do away with patronage (the right of the heritor's to choose the minister).
However the government which had agreed to move an act in Parliament grew cold to the idea under political pressure at the time and in 1843 the Church of Scotland split into two factions- The Free Church and the Church of Scotland.
We became part of the Free Church and one of our members, a local millowner called Robert Freeland bought out the mortgage on the building. We remained Bridge of Weir Free Church until 1900 when a union took place
between The Free Church and the United Presbyterian Church. (That union ended up in the courts and in Acts of Parliament such was the unrest over it in some quarters!! We quietly got on with being Freeland Church!) The UP church had a congregation in the village by then and when the two congregations became part of the United
Free Church they both had to find names fc themselves. We became Freeland in memory of Robert Freeland, the UP church became Ranfurly Church.
After the First World War there was a strong sense of trying to pull people together and the UF Church and the Church of Scotland entered into long running talks to come together in a single denomination and in 1929 Freeland joined the Church of Scotland for the second time in our history. This time it lasted for more than 4 years.
By now your eyes will be glazing over- however it does give us a flavour of how complicated our history is! That said there has been a pretty clear set of threads which have run through that history;
these include; a strong commitment to Biblical preaching, a social awareness, service to the community and embracing change. These threads will continue to be at the heart of the new church in Bridge of Weir.
In 1839 Freeland became Bridge of Weir Parish Church; in the 1870's St Machar's was Bridge of Weir Parish Church and the two of us together will unite under that same name. of course that is up to us. We need to vote for it. I hope that we will- but I will say no more now until after the vote is taken. My focus is going to be on Christmas and proclaiming the wonderful truth that God is with us. Kenneth
Sunday Services
Sunday morning service on 16th February at 10.30am. All welcome. Special Prayer Evening Service at 7pm. If you suffer from depression, bereaved, have family who are sick or you are sick, or you just need someone to pray with you. All welcome.
Midweek Message
Midweek message Wednesday 7.30pm .
Come and join us at the CO-OP on Saturday 14th December 2024 at 10.30am to sing Christmas Carols
As you are aware the new name for the united church will be Bridge of Weir Parish Church of Scotland.
Please find below more documents about the proposed union vote on 23 February 2025'
Question and Answer Document on the Union Proposed Union Article Basis of Union
Big thank you to Freeland and St Machar's church congregations on contributing to enable children in Malawi with school uniforms.
The FreeMachars for retired men. If interested in attending any of the monthly FreeMachars outings/meetings which are held on the last Tuesday of every month. Please leave your details on the contact page of the website.
Freeland Walking Group - The walk happens on the last Saturday of the month meeting at Freeland Church 09.30am. If interested please leave you details on the Contact page of this website.
Ladies on 11th next meeting will be on 11th February as this falls on a Sunday we will attend Sunday worship . This is the last Ladies on 11th. Taking a break.
Freeland Church Covid measures for attending services press link here :-Freeland Church Covid Measures
As you know the draft presbytery plan is to move to a single church in Bridge of Weir. Kenneth and Hanneke have written this letter which is attached here : Link : Letter to congregations re draft presbytery plan
The Resurrection Church Lutsk Ukraine
Freeland Church has been supporting The Resurrection Church in Lutsk Ukraine annually for over 15 years. With the war going on in Ukraine at the moment we have recently sent money which has helped with flooring the basement to aid refugees from other parts of Ukraine to sleep on also this area is used as a shelter. Also much needed food has been purchased. During Easter the children delivered food parcels to the elderly who have no family. Pastor Victor has kept in touch with us and has been sending pictures and videos he also wishes to thank everyone for their continued support and prayers. Here are some pictures he has sent and also a link to the Children singing also latest pictures of Baptism.
Click Link here for pictures : Resurrection Church Luksk, Latest photos
Click Link here for video : Resurrection Church Lutsk, Ukraine
Prayer for Peace in Ukraine
O God, the refuge and strength of all, you hold the people of Ukraine in the palm of your hand. The name of each person there, is written on your heart. In the darkness of invasion and in the mire of political machinations, spread we pray, the light of hope and of justice and of peace. Encourage those who are frightened, to find strength in you, and in those around them - near and far. Help the worldwide family of nations to respond in love with outstretched hearts, open minds, and with too, the wisdom needed to effect a peace that lasts.Save us we pray, from not caring enough. for your Son's sake. Amen
Safeguarding at Freeland
At Freeland Church we are committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
We recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and we are committed to implementing all safeguarding policies and practice guidance issued by The Church of Scotland. For more information see Safeguarding section in Groups on this website.
Here is a list of important telephone numbers. If anyone would like a prayer said for them or a private prayer time with our minister or prayer team please leave your details on our website contact page. If you are isolating and like help with medicine delivery or if you need help with someone to do your food shopping and drop it off please leave your details on the website contact page and we will be in touch.

Psalm 55: 22a Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you.
Prayer : Lord it's me again, Once more, I hand my cares and fears over to you. Help me! I am in a dangerous situation. I cannot manage this problem on my own. Amen

If you would like our church prayer team to pray for you, please fill in the contact form on this website, your details are kept confidential. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight Proverbs 3 : 5-6
Looking for something to do in lockdown check out Freeland Kids' Zone 1st edition (have fun) : Press here : Freeland Kids Zone
Here the latest Freeland Kids' Zone 2nd edition - Have fun : Press here :
The Sunday school children had been learning this song in preparation for their celebration service and it’s very relevant for the current situation. We would love to see any videos you take of you/your family singing along and doing the actions.